
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The Reward of Well-wishing and Result of Ill-will

Ubqari Magazine - May 2013

Preacher of Islam, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Kaleem Siddiqui (Phallat)

Hazrat maulana daamat barakaataham is a greater preacher of the religion of Islam on whose hands more than 5, 00,000 people have embraced Islam. His renowned and famous book “Ggusts of the wind of Guidance” (naseem-e-hedaayat ke jhonke) is worth reading.

He always used to advise about well-wishing of people. The saying of Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him), ”Religion is only well-wishing” always used to remain in his mind. That is why in his sermons he used to advise people to refrain from ill-will as much as possible and to always wish well about people. When he used to start his sermon he used to say these words, “people! You should always keep on wishing well about people from your point of view. If someone does bad or wishes ill about you, then his/her own animosity or ill-will will be enough from your side towards him. One upon a time, caliph of the time listened to his sermon. He became extremely impressed due to his sincere advice to people about positive thinking and well-wishing about people. He appointed him as his special advisor and had him sit near to him in his court. The scholars of the court did not like this honor given to Sheikh Ahmad Tolone and they felt jealous. One of those court men who was a scholar had a severe problem with his honorable treatment. He used to keep on thinking about defaming Sheikh Ahmad Tolone in the eyes of the caliph on daily basis. One day he said to the king, ”This Ahmad Tolone whom you have appointed as your special advisor calls you rotten minded. This is why he detests you.” The king asked, ”How can you claim this?” He said, ”when tomorrow he comes to the court, you should call him to yourself. He will come to you by putting his hand on the mouth due to hatred.” While he explained this to the king, he went to Sheikh and told him, ”Hazrat it will be a great honor for me if you have your breakfast with me tomorrow morning before going to the court, it will be a matter of great happiness.” He accepted this offer by considering that it was not only from a believer but from a scholar too. When Sheikh Ahmad Tolone reached his house for breakfast he found that there was nothing except garlic and onion with some bread for breakfast. He felt pity about the abject poverty of this scholar and ate a lot due to the thought that he would not feel badly about his poverty.

After the breakfast he reached the court and delivered his sermon as usual. In order to test him the king called him near to him. Due to the smell of garlic and onion in his mouth he went to the king by placing his hand on his mouth. The king became angry and he became certain that Ahmad Tolone hates me because he considers me rotten minded. He issued a parchment in the name of his governor in which it was written to kill the bearer of the parchment and to fill his skin with junk. He closed the parchment and gave it to Sheikh Ahmad Tolone and asked him to go to so and so governor.

It was a routine of the caliph that whenever he sent someone to the governor with a parchment, he used to do that for giving the bearer gifts, presents and rewards. He took the parchment and went out of the court. That scholar also came out of the court and when he saw a parchment in the hand of Sheikh he became rather anxious and more jealous. he said to Sheikh Ahmad Tolone,”Sir, if you could do me a great favor, I can take this royal parchment to the governor.” Sheikh Ahmad Tolone thought this parchment may have some order for great rewards and bounties and that this scholar is living in abject poverty. I am living in affluence by the grace of Allah. He gave that royal parchment to him. He went to the governor happily with the parchment. When the governor opened the parchment he said that it is written in it to kill the bearer of the parchment. The scholar became dumbfounded when he learnt this. He coaxed a lot that this letter was in reality given by the caliph to Sheikh Ahmad Tolone. He gave this to me with the thought that it may have something to do with presents and gifts and gave it to me. But the governor refused to accept it and said that I cannot disobey the caliph. That is why he got the scholar killed and got his skin filled with junk.

The next day as usual Sheikh Ahmad Tolone reached the court. When the king saw him in the court he anxiously asked, “What did you do of that parchment?” Sheikh told the whole story and the king said, “Thatparchment had orders for you to be killed and for your skin to be filled with junk.” Sheikh anxiously and sorrowfully asked, “On which of my follies did you have to deliver such an order?” The king said, “You call me rotten minded.” Sheikh asked, “Why do you think like this?” The king said, “I invited you to my court and you came here by putting your hand on your mouth due to loathing.” Sheikh said,”The same day I ate garlic and onion in the house of the scholar. And nothing else. My mouth smelled foul so I thought not to disturb you. That is why I had placed a hand over my nose and mouth.” The king came to know about the animosity of the scholar towards the Sheikh. And also about the natural and automatic decision of punishment of the scholar and he became dumbfounded. he asked him,”Sheikh sahib!Please repeat your advice once more.” Sheikh started the sermon and as usual repeated these words, “people! You should always keep on wishing well for others on your behalf. If someone wishes ill for you then from your side it is enough for him (in the sense of the revenge).” 

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